Music Appreciation

《Duet No.2, Op.12》

Karl Stamitz (1745-1801)

Aegidius Kloz, Vi (1788); Joachim Tielke, Va (c. 1695)
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Karl Stamiz was an important figure in the so-called Mannheim School. A German composer of partial Czech ancestry, Stamiz was a virtuoso of the violin, viola and viola d’amore. He was highly prolific as a composer, and had a lot of experience with orchestras, which allowed him an intimate understanding of each instrument’s distinct features. He had exceptional insight into how the clarinet and instruments of the violin family worked, allowing him to compose outstanding solo pieces for the clarinet and instruments in the violin family. This duet was arranged by Joseph Vieland, and besides having a unique combination of instruments, the piece is filled with diversely intriuging lines of complex notes. The two instruments compete with each other at times, but work together as one at others, forming an unforgettable experience for both the performer and the listener.